Protected Lands Maui

Size: 1.4 acres
Year Protected: 2023
Land Protection Strategy: Owned and stewarded by nonprofit Nā Mamo Aloha ‘Āina o Honokōhau with a conservation easement co-held by HILT & Maui County
Conservation Values: Cultural practice and ‘āina based education, coastline protection for healthy estuary and marine ecosystems, and agriculture for local food.
Land Features: Shoreline fronting bay and traditional lo‘i kalo lands that support present day practice.
Size: 8.6 acres
Year Protected: 2023
Land Protection Strategy: Conservation Easement co-held by HILT & Maui County
Conservation Values: cultural sites, agricultural land
Land Features: Pasture land just above Hāmoa Beach with cultural sites where aliʻi lived due to proximity to heiau, loko, surf, and rich soil
Size: 9.5 acres
Year Protected: 2022
Land Protection Strategy: Owned and farmed by nonprofit Kīpahulu Ohana with a conservation easement co-held by HILT & Maui County
Conservation Values: Coastline protection which benefits marine ecosystem, archeological and cultural preservation, agricultural for local food, water (community fishery management homebase), scenic, ʻāina-based education.
Land Features: Marine shoreline fronting bay used for subsistence fishing, coastal cliffs, fertile lands for farming and animal husbandry
Mokae, Hāna, Maui
Size: 29 acres
Year Protected: 2020
Land Protection Strategy: Conservation Easement
Conservation Values: Agriculture, Open Space, Scenic Views
Land Features: Coastal land
Veterans Peace Park, Wailuku, Maui
Size: 4.5 acres
Year Protected: 2015
Land Protection Strategy: Owned by HILT
Conservation Values: Outdoor Recreation and Education, Historic Sites, Water Resource Values (land serves as natural filter strip for runoff heading to Kahului Bay), Scenic Vistas, Wildlife Habitat.
Land Features: Coastal land near Kahului Bay in a densely developed section of Wailuku
Kākiʻo Ōpau, Kākiʻo, Hāna, Maui
Size: 10.63 acres
Year Protected: 2014
Land Protection Strategy: HILT Conservation Easement
Conservation Values: Open space and scenic values, agricultural, cultural and historical, water resource, and wildlife habitat values
Land Features: Coastal land
Kākiʻo Kalawaiʻahakuʻole, Kākiʻo, Hāna, Maui
Size: 4.6 acres
Year Protected: 2014
Land Protection Strategy: HILT Conservation Easement
Conservation Values: Open space and scenic views, agricultural, cultural and historical, water resource, and wildlife habitat values
Land Features: Coastal land
Peʻahi Mauka (Merwin Conservancy), Peʻahi, Hāmākualoa, Hawaiʻi
Size: 18 acres
Year Protected: 2014
Land Protection Strategy: HILT Conservation Easement
Conservation Values: The W.S. Merwin Palm Collection, one of the largest in the world, has nearly 3,000 individual palm trees, representing over 480 taxonomic species and more than 125 genera. According to experts at the National Tropical Botanical Gardens, the collection “is a living treasure house of palm DNA.” The property also has agricultural, wildlife habitat, archaeological and scenic values.
Land Features: Extensive wet palm forest situated on a ridge between bays
Kaulahao Open Space, Hāmākuapoko, Hāmākuapoko, Maui
Size: About 1 acre
Year Protected: Fee Simple 2013 and Conservation Easement 2014
Land Protection Strategy: HILT Conservation Easement
Conservation Values: Archaeological sites, seabird habitat, public access
Land Features: Coastal habitat, shoreline.
Nu‘u Refuge, Nuʻu, Kaupō, Maui
Size: 81 acres
Year Protected: 2011
Land Protection Strategy: Owned by HILT
Conservation Values: Cultural site, wetland habitat, shoreline access, wildlife habitat
Land Features: Wetlands, dry forest habitat
Size: 11,051 acres
Year Protected: 2009
Land Protection Strategy: HILT Conservation Easement
Conservation Values: Wildlife habitat, agricultural preservation
Land Features: Upland habitat
Kīpahulu Landing, Kukuiʻula, Kīpahulu, Maui
Size: 35 acres
Year Protected: 2007
Land Protection Strategy: HILT Conservation Easement
Conservation Values: Cultural preservation, shoreline access
Land Features: Marine shoreline
Makila Nui, Launiupoko, Lāhainā, Maui
Size: 223 acres
Year Protected: 2007
Land Protection Strategy: HILT Conservation Easement
Conservation Values: Open space, Public access
Land Features: Native plants, unusual geologic formations and archaeological features, Pu‘u Hipa and Pu‘u Mahana Lua Nui cinder cones
Size: 20 acres
Year Protected: 2005
Land Protection Strategy: HILT Conservation Easement
Conservation Values: Public shoreline access, open space, wetlands habitat, historical plantation significance
Land Features: Marine shoreline, wetlands, sand dunes
Nāhiku Keaʻaiki Stream, Koʻolau, Koʻolau, Maui
Size: 55 acres
Year Protected: 2005
Land Protection Strategy: HILT Conservation Easement
Conservation Values: Native plant and habitat restoration
Land Features: Wet forest habitat
Kukui‘ula Mauka, Kukuiʻula, Kīpahulu, Maui
Size: 74 acres
Year Protected: 2004
Land Protection Strategy: HILT Conservation Easement
Conservation Values: Organic Agriculture
Land Features: Wet forest habitat
Hāwea Point, Honokahua, Kāʻanapali, Maui
Size: 2 acres
Year Protected: 2004
Land Protection Strategy: HILT Conservation Easement
Conservation Values: Seabird nesting protection, public shoreline access, cultural sites
Land Features: Marine shoreline, coastal bluffs
Waihe‘e Coastal Dunes & Wetlands Refuge, Waiheʻe, Maui
Size: 277 acres
Year Protected: 2004
Land Protection Strategy: Owned by HILT
Conservation Values: Recreation, archeological and cultural preservation, education, and habitat for native plants and animals
Land Features: Coastal wetlands, dunes, marine shoreline, near-shore reef systems and riparian habitat
Maka‘alae Point, Waiohonu & Kākiʻo, Hāna, Maui
Size: 60 acres
Year Protected: 2003
Land Protection Strategy: HILT Conservation Easement
Conservation Values: Oceanfront and shoreline protection, public access
Land Features: Marine shoreline