Na Moolelo Loli: Stories of Impact


My name is Kamalani Sayles. I am a freshman at Kahuku High and Intermediate School. I was born and raised in Hauula, it is my home. It is where I am meant to be. I write today to share about my participation in the Lima Hana Intern program at HILT’s Maunawila Heiau this summer. 

Even though I was born and raised in Hau‘ula, I had never been to Maunawila Heiau or learned of its importance. When I signed up for this program, I thought it would just be a summer job. I never expected to learn so much about the history and culture of my community. This made me realize that there is so much more to Hau‘ula than I thought. I want to continue to learn more. 

I also enjoyed the opportunity to be in charge of a project. My work partner and I were in charge of replacing the trail markers and redoing the signs. I enjoyed the work. It was rewarding to see how my finished projects make people want to come to visit this place.

Working with other ‘opio was also a learning experience. It was my first time meeting many of them. I was shy at first but as we worked alongside each other we learned about each other. In order to do our work, we had to talk to each other and figure out how to accomplish our goals. I learned how to turn a stranger into a friend.

This being my first job means I got my first paycheck. Now that I am older, I see how life can be hard and expensive. My paychecks allowed me to help my family with bills and other necessities. It made me feel really good to help my family financially. This also made me realize the importance of programs like this in our community. I hope other students will have this opportunity next year. 

Being part of HILT’s Maunawila Heiau ‘opio has made me appreciate all the hard work that has been done at Maunawila Heiau and in our community. I am committed to continue being part of the future work to malama Maunawila Heiau. 

Kamalani Sayles

The signs seen above are placed at the entrance to HILT’s Maunawila Heiau Complex in Hauula. They were created under the direction of Kamalani Sayles and the rest of the Hana Lima Interns.

HILT’s Lima Hana Program at Maunawila Heiau Complex in Hauula will provide a internships to low-income teens in the Hauula community. We recognize the profound need in this windward community for ‘āina -based education paired with job opportunities that provide valuable skill sets and professional development. Our Lima Hana Interns have a firm sense of self, know and appreciate their Hauula and Koolauloa lands and history, restore and rehabilitate the land, and are blossoming leaders of Hawaii. in 2020 we aim to offer 4 college or post-graduate internships, and 15 high school internships for Hauula and Koolauloa youth. We are working to raise $30,000 needed to hire Lima Hana Youth Interns in 2020 who will achieve the next phase of restoration efforts at Maunawila Heiau Complex. Should you be interested in supporting this program, please direct your donation here. Indicate “Lima Hana” in the notes.

Mahalo in advance for your kind support.


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