Protected Lands: Hawai‘i

Pūehuehu, Island Harvest, Kohala

Size: 28 acres
Year Protected­: 2024
Land Protection Strategy: HILT Conservation easement
Conservation Values: Agricultural land, watershed
Land Features: Agricultural land

ABOUT Pūehuehu

An 1881 Hawaiian language newspaper article published in Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, highlighted the rich agricultural history of the lands of Pūehuehu, referencing the traditional lands of ‘keiki mahi ‘uala’—the lands of the sweet potato farmers where today we hear from generational families it having been a famed Kohala profession. And as the holder of the agricultural conservation easement, HILT is humbled by Island Harvest’s commitment to forever protect and secure the true value in which the land holds—the ability to grow healthy food and respectable jobs for Kohala’s families.

Founded by Jim Trump, a long-time Kohala resident, Island Harvest transitioned old sugar cane plantation lands into organic and regenerative macadamia nut farming, enabling generations of local Kohala families to maintain respectable agricultural jobs. After operating on year-to-year leases for over 30 years, in 2020, Island Harvest purchased the subject 28-acre parcel to expand into diversified agriculture, all while maintaining a team where 80% of its crew is born and raised in Kohala. 

Today, Island Harvest grows approximately 5 acres of ‘ulu and 11 acres of citrus and macadamia nuts on the parcel, with farm activity structures limited to less than half an acre. Island Harvest reinvests 100% of the profits of its value-added products with 50% reinvested back into regenerative farming practices, 25% reinvested back into the Kohala community and organizations, and 25% shared with its employees.

Aerial Photo 1: HILT

Photo Credit 2-5: Photos courtesy of Crystalgphoto and Island Harvest.