Protected Lands Kauaʻi

Wai Koa Loop Trail, Kalihiwai, Haleleʻa, Kauaʻi
Size: 5 mile hiking trail
Year Protected: 2019
Land Protection Strategy: HILT Conservation Easement
Conservation Values: Public recreation, forest, watershed, wildlife, scenic
Land Features: Loop trail, Kilauea stone dam built in 1880s, mahogany trees, organic orchard, food forest, catch & release fish ponds
Wai‘oli Loʻi Kalo, Waiʻoli, Haleleʻa, Kauaʻi
Size: 39 acres
Year Protected: 2015
Land Protection Strategy: HILT Conservation Easement
Conservation Values: Agricultural (important for taro), historical and cultural, scenic and water resources
Land Features: Farmland in the historic Waiʻoli Valley, one of Hawaiʻi’s most important taro producing areas
Wai‘oli Loʻi Kalo, Hanalei, Haleleʻa, Kauaʻi
Size: 0.14 acres
Year Protected: 2015
Land Protection Strategy: HILT Conservation Easement
Conservation Values: Agricultural (important for taro), historical and cultural, scenic and water resources
Land Features: Farmland in the historic Waiʻoli Valley, one of Hawaiʻi’s most important taro producing areas
Wainiha, Wainiha, Haleleʻa, Kauaʻi
Size: 0.4 acres
Year Protected: 2008
Land Protection Strategy: Owned by HILT
Conservation Values: Open space
Land Features: Ocean shore and beach
Kīlauea Falls, Kīlauea, Koʻolau, Kauaʻi
Size: 150 acres
Year Protected: 2008
Land Protection Strategy: HILT Conservation Easement
Conservation Values: Habitat, open space, archaeological preservation
Land Features: Steep forested canyon along Kīlauea stream which flows into grassy estuary
Waiakalua Iki, Waiakalua, Koʻolau, Kauaʻi
Size: 18.77 acres
Year Protected: 2008
Land Protection Strategy: HILT Conservation Easement
Conservation Values: Open space, cultural and habitat preservation
Land Features: Marine shoreline
Kāhili Beach Preserve, Kāhili, Koʻolau, Kauaʻi
Size: 17.63 acres
Year Protected: 2003
Land Protection Strategy: Owned by HILT
Conservation Values: Public beach access and habitat restoration
Land Features: Marine shoreline